Sunday, May 27, 2018

#326 Boatyard Dog

There used to be an old black lab hanging around JO Brown's boatyard on North Haven. I haven't seen him for a couple of years, so I figure he's gone now - can't imagine he'd stand for being left home every day. But I haven't seen a young one running around either. Maybe I'll ask the next time I'm there.

Boatyard Dog • 8" x 8" acrylic framed to 12' x 12" • $250

Friday, May 4, 2018

# 325 Sailing Down East

This time of year, especially after a 90 degree day like we had here in Portland the other day, sailors start chomping at the bit to get their boats in the water. The best light is now, the longest days are now, and there is no competition for a spot in one of those quiet, starlit anchorages with the dreaded summer flotillas from away - those obnoxious all-night generator-driven-loud-boom-boxing-air conditioned-tuna heads we sailors call stink pots.

The water temperature in Casco Bay today is 48 degrees. It's a degree colder in Penobscott Bay, so that means full January ski attire including face mask if you want to take a turn around the bay. Some of the old codgers might say it's worth it.

Sailing Down East 8 8" x 8" acrylic framed to 12" x 12" 8 $250