Monday, February 7, 2011

A Room of My Own

I read Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own many, many years ago. It changed my life. It was a revelation. And though her story centered around woman's inability to write because she generally had no money and no space of her own, my story went in a different direction.

I was fortunate, comfortable and had a beautiful room of my own. When I took a good look at it however, I realized my room was not really mine at all - it was filled with other people's stuff.

At forty something and many years later, I began the work of cleaning my room out. Since then it's been emptied a lot. There's more to go, but the slow, deliberate and conscious chore of filling it with my own stuff has begun.  It's simple and sparse but I really love how it's shaping up.

A Room of My Own • 8" x 8" watercolor framed to 12" x 12" • $200

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