Tuesday, August 16, 2016

#266 A New Groove

Taking the advice of my doctor, I am now working with a health coach. She is young, vivacious and enthusiastic, all the the things I'm not - a fact that I am fine with it.

My assignment is to find a new groove. Instead of grabbing Taza chocolate every time I hit a snag, I have to ask myself - is this nourishing? Magically, the groove to Taza gets blocked by the answer to that question.

So where does the new groove go - a glass of water, a deep breath? Today's groove was a peaceful place in my mind. If nothing else, it was reassuring that I could still imagine a place like this with all that's been happening in the world, and it helped. I see a new, more healthy groove in the making. I think I'll celebrate with some Taza chocolate!

A New Groove • 8" X 8" acrylic framed to 12" X 12" • $200

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