Wednesday, February 5, 2025

#498 • Well Heck!


Click here to purchase this painting #498

Well heck! It's about time we saw some snow - it cleans and brightens things up nicely. 

It's been a very strange winter season up here. It's almost as if Mother Nature has been preparing us for what promises to be a very strange year and three ahead. Things will get very chaotic at times. We've seen the tip of the iceberg. But there always seems to be a balancing out eventually. 

Every action in nature - that includes us, instantaneously creates a reaction. In the case of winter, it's summer. Every problem instantaneously creates a solution. In the case of the chaos in Washington, we just don't see it yet, but Universal Law dictates that what is put out there gets walloped one hundred-fold back! Fingers crossed.

In the meantime, get involved. Create some action, make some calls.

Well Heck! • 8" x 8" acrylic framed to 12" x 12" • $300


Monday, January 20, 2025

#497 • Today We Find Our Own Peace

Click here to purchase this painting #497

I sat in my own peaceful place today.  I wanted to remember what it feels like, and what it looks like projected out

Today, Martin Luther King Jr. reminded me that there is still so much work to be done for civil rights. 

Today, flags flown at half mast in honor of President Jimmy Carter's passing reminded me that the most important work to be done is now a grassroots effort to simply put our best selves out there. 

Today, even the polar vortex that descended down upon our capitol on this inauguration day reminded me that it is our planet, not any man, holding the power that will always and ultimately have the last say.

Today We Find Our Own Peace • 8" x 8" acrylic framed to 12" x 12" • $300

Thursday, January 9, 2025

#496 • Yeowza - It's Cold!

Click here to purchase this painting #496

Yep - it's been a tough winter up here. But January has been the toughest so far. Fortunately it's been too cold to rain, so we still have snow on the ground and on the mountain. 

The strange new phenomenon is the number of days of a continuous ferocious wind. I think we're on day eight now. It's an unforgiving, biting and bitter, ice cold wind. It reminds me of someone. But that's another story.

Yeowza - It's Cold • 8" x 8" acrylic framed to 12" x 12" • $300

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

#495 • A Peaceful Passage Through

Click here to purchase this painting #495

We have a herd of deer in our neighborhood. They traverse a field across the road, click and clack over the road and meander down the hill to our field where they will look for apples under our ancient trees or acorns along the oak lined river. Sometimes they will slip over the bank for a drink when the river isn't frozen. 

I used to think seeing them was pretty special until they discovered my broccoli one year and our cedar trees another. There was plenty for them to eat out there in the fields, in fact in everyone else's fields in the neighborhood, but they loved the broccoli and salad bar we inadvertently offered the best. So after fencing and hoop houses, they now pass peacefully through on the same path they've used long before we put up billboards for fast food, neither of us now in danger of becoming extinct.

I would hope that in the coming year we all have a peaceful passage through - and at least TRY to figure out how to co-exist with everyone and everything else on this planet. For many it begins by learning how to park inside the freakin lines of your freakin parking space.

Their Passage Through • 8" x 8" framed to 12" x 12" • $300


Thursday, December 26, 2024

494 • Merriest

Click here to purchase this painting #494

Happiest of holidays to all, especially our little animal friends who put a smile on our faces even though they don't know they do, including the felines who could care less and are not pictured here because they refused to come out of their boxes dressed in their holiday attire. Peace!

Merriest • 8"  8" acrylic framed to 12" x 12" • $300


Sunday, December 15, 2024

#493 • The Activity Up There

Click here to purchase this painting #493

Everything always looks so beautifully calm up there. But the universe is in constant motion and activity. It expands and shrinks. There is creation and destruction, explosions and implosions. It's alive. Everything always looks so beautifully calm up there. But the universe is in constant motion and activity. It expands and shrinks. There is creation and destruction, explosions and implosions. It's alive. And to me, that's a miracle.

The Activity Up There • 8" x 8" acrylic framed to 12" x 12" • $300 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

#492 • Waiting For More Winter To Arrive

Click here to purchase this painting #492

A lot of us are navigating our day with one eye looking over our shoulders for the next dump. This time it's going to be an Alberta Clipper, aka a SWAC event - snow, wind and cold.  

Right now however, it's peaceful - calm and quiet. The trees are motionless, there are no birdies twittering around, and the landscape is shades of black, white, green and brown. The sky is a nondescript and flat gray overhead. We humans? We're just waiting for more winter to arrive, some more anxious than others.

Waiting For More Winter To Arrive • 8" x 8" framed to 12" x 12" • $300