Sunday, September 1, 2024

#486 • Sailing Away Around the Bays


It's been a fun summer sailing around the bays here in Maine. We haven't gone way down east yet, but we will. We've just enjoyed figuring out whether or not we two workaholics have it in us to meander the coast all summer in slow motion. As it turns out, we can but only if we have to come home to mow the lawn and weed the garden. These two chores keeps reality within reach just in case we begin to fall off the big life-altering cliff.

My wish for this Labor Day weekend is that everyone in the world has an opportunity to enjoy a little time even if it's in their head, when there are no deadlines looming, no more have-to-do-work in the pipeline and no more someone lurking over your shoulder demanding better and more.

Be well out there. 

iPad sketch